
ProAdvocates offers in-depth services that caters to a wide range of medical needs. Contact us to get the most out of our services.
Behavioral Health
Provide and discuss treatment options
Locate state-of-the-art facilities and routes of access
Follow-up to monitor treatment including residential

Interview & Strategize
Identify past issues, current and future needs
Clarify health goals
Pair you with an experienced Athletic Trainer
Optimize use of current providers and care
Medical Records
Collect and maintain medical records including the last exit physical
Digitize paper copies
Upload to secure electronic health record
Maximize use of your electronic health record

Expert Medical Identification
Research latest medical research to provide options
Locate experts and routes of access
Make and attend appointment, if requested
Provide medical expert with records electronically
Medical Options
Provide medical literature and assessment of options
Seek out clinical trials when available
Evaluate non-US medical care
Chronic pain reduction from years of athletics
Medical appointments with key leaders in sports medicine throughout the world

Teach player and family members in health record management
Educate player and family members in optimal health care use
Plan for future medical needs given your health and occupational history